Company seeks to reverse zoning and land use change

Testimony begins today in an administrative hearing in which a Green Cove Springs Company is attempting to reverse a zoning and land use change approved by the city council earlier this year.

Pegasus Technologies Inc. is also suing the City of Green Cove Springs in circuit court over the council’s approval of a mixed-use, planned urban development: Preserve at Green Cove Springs, near Pegasus’ operations at Reynolds Airpark.

The plaintiff said in its complaint: “For approximately 38 years, Pegasus has provided through Reynolds Airpark a variety of aviation services and products to commercial and government customers across a range of disciplines including flight, maintenance, avionics and a range of enabling technologies. With more than 150 employees, Pegasus is one of the largest, if not the largest, employer in the city. The (land use) amendment, and the associated rezoning and annexation, would approve a residential development that is completely inconsistent and incompatible with Pegasus’s continued operations, and moreover, with the city’s comprehensive plan’s objectives and policies for mixed-use Reynolds Park and Florida law.”

In responding to the complaint, lawyers for the city said many of the points in the plaintiff’s petition are vague, ambiguous and undefined. The city also denied that the land use amendment and zoning change were inconsistent with its comprehensive plan and Florida law.

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